Sunday, September 29, 2013

Home cooked meals!

Yesterday morning I was awake at 6am (ish) and buzzing for the day to start.I was so happy because the rehabilitation hospital allowed me to have a weekend pass. That meant that last night was the first night in 2.5 weeks that I was allowed to sleep in my own bed and wake up when my body did instead of when the nurses were doing their handover round in the morning. 

I'm currently lying in bed, first nap at 11am, and realizing how tired this healing process will be. It's frustrating and even though nurses and Dr.s are telling me im doing such a good job rehabilitating I'm disappointed that I haven't done anywhere near as much exercise, or had the energy to, as I usually would in 3 weeks. I've really  noticed how tired I am when a noise I wouldn't have found loud 3 weeks ago really startles me. I aim to stay awake until 9:30 at night and that can be a challenge. My exhaustion levels show me that the fact that I won't have to work for about a month is justifiable. Centrelink will be having a visit from me tomorrow so I get some allowance to pay bills etc. whilst my body recovers.

Time to go enjoy the rest of the day at home before a trip out for dinner later and then back to the rehab centre (sigh)! Once again I'm reminding myself how lucky I am to have access to this medical service.

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