Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Year That Was

Today is the 31st of December, or you could say New Years Eve. I'm not the biggest fan of NYE. Never have been. I'm not sure why. I know that a few times I have thought I had achieved nothing in the year that I was about to farewell so wanted it to go on a bit longer so I could achieve something. I think that feeling seems to show up almost every year come the 31st of December. That highlights a bit of the pessimistic side of me I suppose. I am proud to say I think I have achieved a lot this year. I battled through quite a challenging year and through this my pessimistic side has been rather subdued. It needed to be, I made it that way. Pessimism does not help anyone in times of trouble so I decided to kick that personal trait as far away as possible. It crept back occasionally but I think I did a pretty good job controlling it. If anything this year has made me more optimistic

Having said this it obviously does not mean that I have found this year incredibly enjoyable. It has been hard. I think it's fair to say this was probably one of the hardest years of my life but I made it ((well 8 hours and 10 minutes to go) sheesh pessimist). I could not have made it on my own so thanks to all of you who sent your positive thoughts and prayed for me. Yesterday after my Grandma's funeral I met so many of her friends who knew what my family and I have been through and they told me how proud my Grandma was of me. They said that they would continue to pray for me and hearing both of these things made me teary/cry, again. I'm surprised I still had tears to spill, it was a very emotional day.

Personally I don't find a need to make new years resolutions because if I decide I want to do something within a set time frame I don't feel the need to wait until the 1st of January, I set my own date, but I am glad that that date helps others. However after all of the trials this year has presented me I think I will make a resolution, not a new resolution, so to speak, but to continue with something I have done this year. I'm going to strive to stay positive whatever may happen. Having said this I really just pray this coming year does not present as many challenges as the one that will shortly end has. I don't care for brain surgery again any time soon, well never again actually.

The day my Grandma died both mum and I were wishing this year had never happened because we went through a moment of not being able to see any good in it. It was my dad that pulled us back inline and reminded us that through all of the chaos and unexpected experiences that this year has bought upon us we have learnt a lot and definitely become stronger people. Although I never wish to face a year like this again in someways this year has been a gift. A challenging gift to accept but the rewards will be long lasting.

I made a Flipagram of my 2013 (most parts of it) if you wish to have a look (if the link works).

Happy New Year to all! 


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