Sunday, January 12, 2014

Summer is not always fun!

The chaos from the last few weeks has almost gone. It wasn't the nicest chaos so I don't feel relaxed or like I have had holidays. As everything is calming down I will say I've been pretty bored. The highlight last week was that I got to see a dear friend who had been OS since November and of course I made it eventful by almost fainting when we were in a shopping centre. Apart from that I've been going stir crazy. It's really getting to me not being able to drive again and to make matters worse my best friend is moving house today and will now no longer be living 10 minutes away but half an hour drive or 1+ hour public transport journey. 

It's summer holidays, I feel like I should be having a great time and living life to the fullest but I'm not. I still have about 2 weeks before school goes back but the outlook is that I won't be having much fun before I do (pessimistic side). This coming week is going to be stinking hot. The forecast is 40+ degrees every single day with minimum temperatures in the mid 20s. I don't like summer so probably won't go out much, not that I can anyway.

Last night I was so stir crazy and had to get out of the house that I walked up to Blackwood at 9pm, had a soy, decaf cappuccino and then walked back. I slept well and this morning I got a lift to a gym class. I was pretty nervous going into the class but it went well, I made it through.

I wrote a post earlier about looking for at least one positive thing in each day, which I have found hard over the last week for a few different reasons, but yesterday as I was walking up to Blackwood I realised my surgery was 4 months ago. That was a happy moment for me as I reflected on the progress I had made. I found a positive in my day.

I will be having driving lessons at the end of this month and have started house hunting so hopefully I can focus on those posivites in the coming weeks.

Sorry for the downer of a blog but there's no point in lying about it.


  1. Wow Cass I've read all your blog and I can't believe how similar we are in our approach to the situation. I am inspired by what you have written. I am sorry that 2013 brought you challenges too and I am so sorry for the loss of your Grandma too. We lost Carl's Grandad two days after my diagnosis in August and it was so sad (Obviously he was not my Grandad but I had known him for the past 7 years so the loss and what we were trying to deal with was so intense). I just wanted to let you know that I share your pain in many ways and I get it, I understand. Also I know that a positive outlook on life works for me. I think to be bogged down all the time would be dreadfully hard for everyone around me so I made the decision to be happy (you know like Pharell Williams!) I've got to try and post that because that song makes me feel happy and motivates me too. I'm going to try and be a follower of your blog (not so great with blogger technology! but I will find a way!) Anyways I have probably babbled a bit too much now but I just wanted to wish you all the very best. Keep in touch. Gem xxxx

    1. Hi Gem,

      I thought the same thing about our experiences when I read your blog. 2013 was indeed a tough year but I learnt a lot and definitely appreciate life more.

      In regards to the diet, I haven't started following a specific one. My neurosurgeon told me that it was important for me to just stay fit and healthy. I have however become quite interested in the prospect of a different diet lately. I have read a few different blogs where people in similar circumstances are using them. Do you? If so, what is it called? I'm interested in reading a bit more about them.

      I had an appointment with a specialist from the brain injury rehab unit today and we were talking about my return to work (increased hours) in 2 weeks time. It's a bit scary but I am looking forward to it. They too are writing to my boss and asking for special arrangements for me. Once again it seems like a very similar situation to yours.

      I hope your wound is healing well. As you may have seen, I lost quite a bit of hair due to surgery so I am wearing lots of headbands and sometimes flaunt a combover hairstyle :) It's frustrating to not be able to brush or do your hair as you usually would isn't it?!

      I think that song would be a great one to post! Made me happier just listening to it!

      It's great to have connected with you too. Have a great week,

      Cass x

    2. Hi Cass, Only just seen this response! I need to tick notify me as I think that will alert me next time.

      I think what your Neurosurgeon has told you is all good and yes to be healthy is important. I had my 3 month post op appointment last week and again we didn't discuss diet but he did say that I can go back to the gym now (maybe not swimming because of my head and also ideally I need to be seizure free for a year) but he said light cycling and maybe some rowing or something would be fine. I won't mind that as I need to lose some weight and get a bit more toned for my wedding :)

      The diet that I am trying to follow is called 'Anticancer: A New Way of Life' by David Servan-Schreiber. He had a brain tumour and devised the diet as basically his research found that sugar is one of the deadliest feeders of cancer cell so he advises cutting out pretty much all sugar and sticking to a more Mediterranean style diet or in some ways a more vegitarian/vegan diet. I won't lie it was a huge change for me when I started and I've had my weeks and weekends where I have been like "No I'm not following this" (Xmas I was sooo bad!) But I have made a resolution for the new year to try and go with it. He basically says if you can try and follow the diet say 90% of the time and then 10% you can allow yourself some treats that's ok. It's just sort of adopting a new way of life in that sense. I'm going to do a diet post too at some point hopefully in the next week or so and I've got a wheat free, gluten free, dairy free recipe which I concocted :) . I will be posting today re my 3 month follow up appointment and you're right I need to add some songs I think- the uplifting ones which get me going and make me happy :)

      Your situation with work sounds very similar to mine. My hospital in London have a Vocational Rehabilitation Team who basically I've worked with (Psychologist and a Therapist) and they have written a letter or recommendation with things I can and can't do and also its spaced over a 3 month return. Obviously the aim is that I go back full time but I'm just going to see how things go and take my time with it all. wish you lots of luck with the increased hours and hope you find it ok.

      I'd say my biggest problem to date is still fatigue- it's a bi**h some days as they say and it literally comes out of nowhere!! After 8pm I can be really clumsy, tired and cranky but I just try and push through it! Considering I used to be a night owl I have found this to be one crazy adjustment! Who knows in a years time or something it may be a lot better :)

      I did see how much hair you lost. I was compelled to comment there too as I just felt you were so brave. Hows the hair now? Is it gradually growing back? It sounds like you're styling it out though and I love that! :) The guy I saw last week said that my hair won't grow where the wound is as such but I've got a few tufts either side which are coming back but either way as it's like an alice band from side to side I still have hair at the front and back and when it's down if it's wavy unless someone was birdseye viewing me you really couldn't tell that I'd had anything done. The first hospital I went to quoted that the incision would be 'around the size of a 50p' so when I awoke with the side to side incision Mum, Carl and I were all kind of marveled like wow ok!

      Yes I hate hair brushing now although as the wound heals I am able to brush backwards gently instead of doing front brushing then moving around to the back- honestly the things we go through, a day in the life of right??

      I hope whatever you're doing this week all is well and really looking forward to keeping in touch :)

      Gem xx
