Hello everyone,
I'm back! I didn't actually go anywhere just haven't had anything to blog about.
Anyway, I have reached a couple of milestones in the last month so thought I would share. The most significant milestone is that my specialist believed that it was time they ended my rehab program. It brought about a mixture of emotions. I was joyful yet saddened, as well as feeling a lot more confident with myself but a bit anxious about facing the rest of the journey on my own, so to speak.
Friday just gone also marked 10 months since I had surgery. Before I know it, it will be 12 months.
Last night was also a big deal for me. I got back onto the netball court and played a whole game. I was so happy that I finally did it. That was something I had been aiming to do for the last 10 months but had been very anxious about. I was only filling in but hopefully that becomes a regular thing.
On top of this I've made it halfway through the working year. I must admit I still don't know how I've done it. Being on holidays at the moment has been great. I don't usually go away during term holidays, and haven't these holidays either but have had a great time, mainly just catching up with friends.
The following sayings pretty much summarise the last month of my life.
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I disabled my facebook account about a month ago. I recommend giving it a go. |
Have a good day everyone! xoxo
This is a sagely collection of postcard wisdom. Keep drinking that tea!