Thursday, April 3, 2014

161c per litre

On any other day my response to the person standing behind the cash register who asks me 'How was your day?' would be the scripted 'fine thanks'. However this guy wanted to know more... 'Busy?' 'Yeah' 'What did you do?' *quickly think of an appropriate answer* 'Umm, I had a few appointments' 'Ok'.

How do you tell a stranger you were at your scheduled rehab meetings with a speech pathologist and an activites co-ordinator due to your acquired brain injury? Do you tell them?

I was a bit teary today kiddo but I'm fine!


  1. Really interesting post Cass. What are we suppose to tell people that ask direct questions? This is something that comes up a lot at a group I attend. Do you want to keep reliving your story? Do you want to tell people? Or do you not want people to know? It's certainly opened my eyes to a world of what are hidden disabilities (bar the scars and things from the operations and treatment that can be very visible and make others curious). I guess my answer is tell people whatever you feel comfortable with. I'm quite honest and open about it mostly but then of course there are days where I want to live like 'old me' but in the new body! I had my first day the other weekend where I didn't spend any time thinking about things (until someone asked me how my scan went the previous week)- Doh!! swings and roundabouts as they say! xx

    1. Totally swings and roundabouts. For me I tell 'strangers' depending on how I'm feeling at the time and/or if it's important! I still find it tricky telling people, I do get a chuckle when I see some people's facial reactions when you tell them that you've had brain surgery.
