Monday, September 28, 2015

Are you crazy?

So a couple of weeks ago I posted about a big "life changing decision" that I had made and when and if I would go ahead with it. Well I have done it. To be honest I made a big hoo-ha over something that for most people could quite possibly be a 'meh' decision. Anyway I resigned from my job. From a permanent teaching job! For those of you that don't know, it's been really tricky to get a teaching job in my little city over the last few years and it still is, but I had come to a point where I no longer enjoyed what I was doing. I've been in a role that I never thought I would be and in the last 18 months it's gone from what was a security blanket to me to something that I drag myself out of bed for and hope to make it through the day. I know where my passion lies, I know what I want to do and have been called to do and although I leave this job with no job lined up in a way it's exciting. The main reason I posted about this was due to the fact that it relates to mental health. My mental health was suffering. I knew that and so did a few people that were around me. As I've learnt over the last few years being healthy isn't just about being healthy physically but about being mentally and spiritually healthy. I want to be an all round healthy person and I'm taking action to do that. No doubt there will be a few 'ahhh crap, what have I done?' moments over the next few months but like I posted about previously I know this is the right decision.

I've been surprised by some people's reactions. The majority of people have congratulated me on taking this 'bold step' and I wonder why. I'm still not 100% sure but as one of my dear colleagues said to me 'Sometimes where we end up is not due to us being lucky, but by us taking those risks, leaving a comfort zone and us working for what we get.  Sometimes we make our luck, luck doesn't just happen.' (or something like that but you get the idea.)

Anyway, do what makes you happy folks. Ask yourself 'What's right for my mental health?' and maybe just take that leap of faith.

Blessings xoxo

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