Sunday, August 30, 2015

time for change

I've made a big decision in the last couple of days. For me it's a life changing decision, however me  implementing this decision is dependent on what happens in the next couple of weeks. I hope the next couple of weeks brings my dreams to life but if it doesn't I know what I will do. If I'm to go ahead with Project TakeALeapOfFaith it brings with it a lot of uncertainty and big changes but changes can be exciting right?!

As I finally accepting that this decision is the best one for me. I had all this anger rise up in me. I was  blaming all that hasn't happened for me in the last 3 years on my brain tumours. I honestly feel so hard done by, I've felt like it's held me back from where I want to be in life. I was speaking to my psychologist about this on Friday evening and then she interrupts and says to me 'well is it holding you back now?'. I thought that was rude, all I wanted her to do was agree with me and help me work through this pain but she is right. I have been taken down a path I didn't want to go (hence the title of my blog) but at this point in time it's not the brain tumours holding me back from where I want to be, I'm holding myself back and it's now up to me to take a chance, take a leap, dive into the unknown. That was a revelation!

I was scrolling through Facebook earlier and noticed that someone had liked this status and boy oh boy is it timely.

'You may feel like your dreams have died. Everything is coming against you. Take a new perspective. Nothing in life has happened to you. It has happened for you. God has you in the palm of His hand.'

It's all about faith I suppose!

I'm saddened my what will most probably occur over the next couple of months but deep in my heart I have this sense of peace. 

I'll keep you posted!

In other crazy news I found out on Monday that one of the girls I play netball with underwent a craniotomy 3 years ago. As I joined this team not knowing any of them I didn't know anything about their personal life nor did they of mine. I had found out a couple of months ago that 2 of the girls on the team I play with are nurses on ward 5B - the ward that I was on after surgery, which in itself was crazy but to find out about MsGD was surreal. I have a brain tumour buddy on my netball team.

Oh and lastly, just in case you were wondering, the meeting with my neurosurgeon went well. My next MRI has been bumped out to a year. 

Love and blessings to you all xoxo

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